Video Swim Analysis
If you love swimming, but are not as fast as you would like to be? Is your pace around or above 2:00/100y? With your busy schedule, you don't have the time to commit to a coach at the pool, at their time and convenience? The best place price/quality option is to start with the Video Swim Analysis. Swim 5-10% faster with guided instructions, on your own. We cover +45 reference points, checking every limb, from tip to toe, across 3 main swim challenges
All you need to do is send us 2-4 min video from your phone (no needs for apps or downloads) in segments of 20-30 seconds:
Price: 200 euro
More info: contact us here
- full list of your swim limitations, where to find them in your video, solutions, explanation, drills to resolve the issues and videos to follow (typically 3-5 pages)
- 30 min video call to go over the document and answer any questions on the drills
More info: contact us here